Soil And Laboratory Tests Of Former Landfill Site For Proposals Development In Kota Pandamar Beautiful Sungai Sedu Estate, Pandamaran Di Lot 77168 And Lot 77169 Mukim Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan.
This brief summary outlines the scope of work for soil and laboratory tests conducted on a former landfill site in Kota Pandamar Beautiful Sungai Sedu Estate, Pandamaran, consisting of Lot 77168 and Lot 77169 Mukim Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan. The purpose of these tests is to assess the site’s suitability for development and propose a conceptual design that is cost-effective.
The scope of work includes conducting soil investigation works and laboratory tests, interpreting and analyzing soil parameters for the conceptual design, establishing groundwater modeling to understand contaminant migration, proposing a cost-effective conceptual design, providing conceptual drawings, and preparing a soil investigation factual report and geotechnical assessment report.
The investigation and analysis carried out by the consultant have resulted in a comprehensive report organized into three volumes. Volume 1 is the Engineering Report, which likely includes an overview of the project, methodology, results, and recommendations. Volume 2 comprises Appendix A, which likely contains borelogs (logs of soil samples obtained from boreholes) and Appendix B, which likely contains laboratory testing data.
It’s important to note that the specific contents and details of the report would depend on the findings and requirements of the site investigation.